Monday 10 October 2011

Action film analysis. spy kids

514MTC2D1EL._SL500_AA300_.jpgSpy kids is an example of an children's action film. The cinematography involved uses tracking shots , close ups , long-shots  and conversation shots.  The use of tracking shots gives a fast pace flow to the feature and helps the audience feel involved in the scene.

The props include a variety of gadgets and interesting equipment which is exciting to the younger audiences. The costumes used by the "Spy kids" are futuristic and fun to appeal more to the younger audience. The settings are colourful and over the top. For example the secret lairs and bases that are included are extravagant and plays the youth audiences imagination. The lighting is mostly high key and low key to suit the location of the characters. For example the lighting is low key in places of danger. Also the darkness plays on a common children's fear. This makes the young audience more unsettled and they feel for the protagonists.

Special effects are mostly consisted of green screen. The green screen allows impossible structures to be created with little effort and costs very little compared to creating an actual structure.  This also allows imaginary gadgets possible e.g. the jet pack.

The soundtrack was a classic orchestral "secret agent" style piece influenced perhaps by Mission Impossible. The music was punchy and fast paced. This increases the amount of excitement that the audiences feels, plus emphasizes the fact that it is an action film.

Spy Kids Trailer:

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