Monday 3 October 2011

Jumanji - Mise en scene

The misenscene hat we noticed in the short clip of  jumaji included : The use of time period props such as 1800s costume  to demonstrate the year of the scene.  Natural lighting of the night scene burial gave a slightly n nerving and gloomy fell to the film.  When the timeline jumps to 1960s the setting feels like a safe environment and the tension is released from the previous scene. This is soon broken when the bullies chase the main character on old style chopper bikes. After the chase scene has ceased the main-character talks to his father in the families company. The father tells him to confront his own fears. This will be an obvious goal for the character which will be reached at the end of the feature.
The film reaches a number of the conventions of a typical children's film. The music is varied in the emotions it creates and the characters are introduced almost instantly after the establishing clip. The plot seems simple enough for young audiences to follow but it does seem a little more complicated than most very young films.

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